POSTED BY soulgreen | Apr., 01, 2019 |


This year, the worldwide focus of the EARTH DAY is on species threatened with extinction, because that is currently 27,000, or 30% of all species (around 90,000 species worldwide). In the last three months a further 756 have been added, so it´s hightime to react. In addition to elephants, giraffes, pangolins and porpoises, bees are also threatened. In short: diversity and species protection are the focus. We focus regionally and thus on the bee.

We see Earth Day as a space for dialogue and initiative, as a joint action for an ecologically shaped lifestyle, and we consciously communicate our commitment to the public. Because in addition to our own actions, our goal is to motivate and inspire.

„Every day is Earth Day“

The love for beloved people and the beloved earth should be shown every day, not only on specially designated days. But often one is distracted from stress and everyday life, so that these special days remind us of it and help us to focus again on it.


We concentrate this year not only on the 22nd, but on the whole month of April. Depending on time, desire and space that you have you have different possibilities to participate. Have a look for your matching one:

The Team Green Soul Earth Day Agenda 2019:

ONE MILLION TREES – Global planting campaign. Plant a tree.
BOMBS FOR BEES – Seed bombs to preserve habitats
EARTH DAY FOR KIDS – Project day in schools and kindergardens


1 MILLION TREES – A Global Planting Campaign

An EARTH DAY. A MISSION. Go green! Save the earth & plant trees. Other plants are of course also possible. Why tree planting is so important:
Every year, 15.3 trillion trees are felled worldwide. Result: loss of biodiversity, intensification of climate change, and much more.

On DAY OF THE EARTH, the planned nature conservation activities are all about giving Mother Earth something back. Be part of the big planting campaign! The goal is to sow and plant one million trees/plants worldwide. Every plant counts! Every tree and every plant that is planted supports the stabilization of the climate and provides habitats for many animal and plant species. The change is in us! We are the change! Be a changemaker. Because the future is our responsibility. Because action counts more than words and we reap what we sow.

What you can do:
Global planting action. The goal: to plant as many trees as possible through a worldwide snowball principle. Not only you alone plant a tree, but your friends and you, around the globe. Therefore: Spread the word! Click on participate (link to the FB Event), invite your friends to the event. Talk to them and motivate them. Call your friends in the Hood and also those who live in other countries. Let’s all plant together, no matter where we are on this earth. If each of us motivates 5 friends worldwide, the goal will be reached in no time. Are you in?

Participate here and invite your friends: BEES & TREES Green Soul´s Earth Day – Join our Facebook Event!


Photograph/movies and post your planting action. Tag @Green_Soul_Org and use #greensoul and get featured. Let’s make a green wave through the worldwide web and color social media green.
Send us photos and videos on with the info where and what you planted. We will collect all of them for the final Green Soul Earth Day Collage.


Creating space & Green Consciousness & A Healthy Lunch Snack
You would like to become active, but don’t have time to plant? No problem, we will do it for you: We work together with the local team „Batawaran samrakchen avian samuha“. The group has already planted 3400 trees in Nepal. Regarding the EARTH DAY and our focus on promoting education and creating sustainable awareness, we will plant trees together with the school kids in front of their schools. Fruit trees in this case, then they can even eat them during their lunch break. Means that with your support we are not „only“planting trees, in addition tehre will be later a healthy lunch snacks for everyone.

What you can do:
Donate a tree
The following tree varieties will be organized according to availability and correct size and planted on 22.04.19 around Kathmandu on schoolyards: almond, guava, plum, apricot, pomegranate, apple. On average, up to 15 trees can be planted per school. Donations can be made until 14.04.19 The photo documentation of the campaign will of course go online here.
A tree costs 9€ incl. transport, bamboo fencing for protection and compost/earth.

BOMBS FOR BEES – Seed bombs to preserve habitats

April is the best time to sprinkle suitable seeds for plant species that the bee needs to live. You can get seeds, buy finished seed bombs or produce them yourself.

What you can do:

Get seeds, go for a walk and sprinkle the seeds on suitable green areas.
Tell your friends about it and motivate them to do the same. You give the bees and bumble bees more living space and at the same time make the city a bit more colourful. Document your Guerilla Gardening action and send it to us or post it with #greensoul

Instructions for self-crafting and spreading all you need to know about seeds:

General tip for the garden:
Examples of bee-friendly garden plants

flowerbed: yarrow, columbine, lavender, lupine, wild mallow, asters, unfilled dahlias

Trees and shrubs: blackthorn, cleric’s cap, cornel cherry, hawthorn, gooseberry, raspberry, blackberry, currant, wild wine, ivy, unfilled climbing roses
Vegetable bed: field beans, clover varieties, borage, marigolds, pumpkin plants, onions, cabbage, carrots, aromatic herbs
Balcony: gold varnish, nasturtium, verbena, male loyalty, Wandelröschen, lion mouth, kitchen herbs (sage, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, thyme)

EARTH DAY FOR KIDS – Project day in schools and kindergardens

What you can do:
You are a teacher or a student and would like to take up the topic in class? Our concept for the project day helps to design the content. Whether only in an hour or an entire project day. We are happy to support you with planning or materials. Please contact us.